- Female doctors, nurses and midwives trained on dealing with postpartum hemorrhage
- Female genital mutilation awareness day
- FGM project team visits Ministry of Planning office in Seiyun
- FGM project team visits the Ministry of Human Rights office in Seiyun
- Field visit to raise awareness about gender-based violence
- Finalizing two training sessions for health workers at Shahir Health Centre and Maternity and and Childhood Centre in Mayfa’
- First quarterly meeting of Community Pairing Network in Marib
- Focus discussions (labor market analysis) for women and girls organized in Shabwa and Marib governorates
- Focus group discussion to assess gender-based violence in Ataq district
- Focus group discussions to assess services of protection and livelihood support project
- Forming a religious health committee to raise community awareness of the harms and risks of FGM
- Four governorates launch health voucher program for reproductive health
- Funded by UNFPA with HUMAN ACCESS implementation, Protection and Livelihoods Support project launches activities and programs for 2021 in Marib
- Funded by UNFPA, implemented by HUMAN ACCESS, Multiple awareness sessions on harms of female genital mutilation in Shabwa
- Funded by UNFPA, Personal preventive equipment supplied to a number of health facilities to curb spread of Coronavirus
- Funded by UNFPA, Support of families affected by the floods in Tarim district
- Funded by UNFPA, various events in celebration of International Literacy Day
- GBV Coordinator visits the safe space for women and girls in Marib
- Graduation celebration for 32 vocational training beneficiaries
- Hadhramaut: Awareness session to address female genital mutilation