- Mayfaa Maternity and Childhood Center supplied with medicines and medical aid
- Measures promoting women's and girls' advancement and ensuring their rights
- Medical and in-kind items supplied to Ras Al-Arah Rural Hospital
- Medical supplies and hygiene kits for Sayhut General Hospital
- Medical supplies delivered to obstetric emergency department at Al-Ghaydah Hospital
- Medical supplies donated to Seiyun and Tarim hospitals in Wadi Hadhramaut
- Medical supplies for Al-Ghaydah Hospital’s obstetric emergency department
- Medical supplies for the emergency department of Al-Ghaydah Hospital
- Medical support supplied to Shahir and Mayfa centers, Hadramout
- Medicines and hygiene materials supply for Ras Al-Ara Hospital
- Meetings and mobilization to address and advocate issues related to women's rights
- Memoranda of understanding and cooperation agreements
- Midwives and nurses receive training in obstetric emergencies
- Ministry of Health official visits HUMAN ACCESS in Al-Mahra
- Ministry of Public Health official visits HUMAN ACCESS-related projects
- Mobilization and advocacy sessions about harmful effects of drugs among young people in Al-Mahra
- Mobilization and advocacy sessions against gender-based violence held in Hadramout
- Mobilization and advocacy sessions on gender-based violence in Seiyun
- Mobilization and advocacy sessions on importance of women's economic empowerment in Al-Mahra
- Mobilization and advocacy sessions to combat gender-based violence in Seiyoun