As part of the female genital mutilation (FGM) project, which is run by HUMAN ACCESS in Hadhramaut Governorate with funding from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the youth friendly space organized an awareness session at Amal Hadhramaut Center for Cancer Control in Mukalla city on the phenomenon of FGM, in addition to an open day held in the space’s hall.

There was a discussion of the dangerous consequences of sexual mutilation, which is rooted in some social norms and has long-term negative physical, psychological, and social effects on girls.

Such wrong practices involve removing healthy and normal tissues and causing damage to them, and they violate the basic human rights of women and girls.

The session also stressed the importance of addressing this dangerous phenomenon.

On the other hand, the third open day was held, during which a number of women and girls, as well as representatives of some educational centers, participated in creative activity and cultural competitions.

At the conclusion of the event, many participants expressed admiration for the open day and their support for the fight against FGM, as they drew expressive drawings supporting the efforts to eradicate the phenomenon of female genital mutilation through the fingerprint board.