- The birth of Montaser in Salh district
- The first childbirth of Mrs. Hamam
- The Integrated Response Project launches a training program
- The Yemen Humanitarian Fund in a monitoring visit to evaluate the progress of HUMAN ACCESS projects' in Lahj
- This is how an IDP woman was able to meet her inaccessible need through HUMAN ACCESS and YHF's support
- Training on minimum service package outbreaks management, and Infection prevention and control in Taiz and Lahj governorates
- Training program for emergency response project for communities and displaced people concluded in Taiz
- Training program launched for health cadres on integrated care of childhood diseases in Taiz
- Training program launched for the emergency health and nutrition response project
- Training workshop on hygiene promotion, mobilization and advocacy
- Twins Childbirth
- UN and international delegation reviews HUMAN ACCESS’ interventions in Taiz
- Yasmin and her agony with displacement
- Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF)
- YHF reviews progress of water and environmental sanitation project
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