As part of the follow-up and evaluation process, Hani Al-Qadasi, the Humanitarian Affairs Coordinator at OCHA office in Marib Governorate, and Yaser Al-Amiri, the WASH Cluster Coordinator in the governorate, met with Bir Al-Walidain camp beneficiaries of the water and environmental sanitation project.

The objective is to discover the level of beneficiaries’ satisfaction with the services provided and their quality, and to observe the progress of the project plan and needs, as well as to visit some of the completed works.

HUMAN ACCESS in Marib is currently working on the WASH Project in partnership with the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF), benefiting 1,098 displaced persons in Bir Al Walidain camp and 2,177 displaced persons in Al-Muthanna camp in the governorate.

Since the camps lack the most basic life-saving services, this is one of the qualitative projects designed to enable the displaced to access water and sanitation services and to promote healthy practices.