- 11,782 people receive relief items, shelter, and winter clothing
- 115 displaced and host women receive economic empowerment toolkits
- 12,116 displaced people benefit from winter aid
- 12,335 IDP families benefit from distribution of food baskets, hygiene kits and kitchen utensils
- 148 households, 304 children benefit from food baskets, blankets and winter clothing
- 15 bags approved for people with special needs on sidelines of UN delegation’s visit
- 1529 displaced families benefit from food aid
- 17 health personnel receive training in malnutrition treatment
- 190 needy and displaced families benefit from Ramadan food baskets
- 2,400 displaced people receive winterization kits with Kuwaiti funding
- 2,418 displaced and 403 IDP families benefit from the winter clothing project
- 2,568 IDP individuals and 428 IDP households benefit from Winter Warmth Project
- 200 hygiene kits delivered to pregnant women in Harib district
- 2220 families, 500 persons benefit from relief unit's multiple interventions
- 2250 displaced people benefit from winter clothing distribution project
- 24 women receive economic empowerment grants
- 3,100 IDPs assisted to obtain important identification documents
- 42 women qualified in mobile phone maintenance and programming
- 450 displaced people receive winterization kits
- 480 IDPs benefit from the winter blanket and food basket project