HUMAN ACCESS implemented a wide range of purposeful activities in the governorates of Shabwa and Marib within the protection and livelihood support project "Safe Space for Women and Girls", funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center, to achieve the human rights guaranteed to Yemen’s women and leave a good impact on people's lives.

In Shabwa, the safe space in the city of Ataq hosted an awareness session on women's right to financial independence, attended by a number of women and girls.

The session emphasized the need to address the economic constraints facing women and enhance their access to finance and credit, as well as empower women to manage their financial affairs and develop their businesses.

Marib's safe space in Al-Matar conducted a field visit to assess which cases were eligible for training to prepare the most vulnerable women and girls for rehabilitation and economic empowerment. Given the severity of psychological disorders on women, especially during crises, group psychological support was also implemented in order to educate women about psychological stagnation, the harms it causes, and how to treat it.

Five awareness sessions were also held at the space, the first of which emphasized the importance of breastfeeding for both children and mothers, coinciding with World Breastfeeding Week, while the second focused on gender equality and the importance of achieving comprehensive and sustainable development through equal access to opportunities and resources between men and women.

The third awareness session, however, addressed the status of women and their pioneering role, while the fourth dealt with marital problems and the need to address them to ensure a happy family.

In the fifth awareness session, participants discussed the formulation of family laws, their purpose, and the role they play in regulating the relationship between family members, defining rights, and promoting family values.

In Al-Jufaina area, the safe space conducted two awareness sessions, the first on time management as a basic skill that helps achieve success, while the second session addressed early marriage and the risks of this phenomenon on girls and society in general.

The safe space in Marib city conducted a field visit in order to assess the eligibility of cases for training and to measure the impact of economic empowerment on beneficiaries in order to ensure their success in their private projects.

Entertainment activities were also organized for children as well as two training courses, one of which was an activation course in the field of sewing and tailoring, while the other focused on the manufacture of incense burners and artistic artifacts to provide the most vulnerable women with skills that enable them to earn a living.

In Wadi Marib, the safe space monitored success stories. It also concluded a vocational training course in the arts of engraving for a number of women and girls, and another training program in life, financial, and marketing skills, aimed at equipping trainees with basic and necessary skills that enable them to successfully manage their small economic enterprises.