HUMAN ACCESS in Shabwa and Marib governorates implemented a set of important activities within the protection and livelihood support project “Safe Space for Women and Girls,” funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), to improve the situation of women in Yemen in order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable growth.

In Ataq city, Shabwa, the safe space implemented an awareness session entitled “Domestic Violence and its Effects.” This is one of the most common forms of violence against women globally and has serious short- and long-term physical, economic, and psychological consequences for women and girls, preventing their full participation in society.

In Marib, the safe space in Al-Matar area carried out a field visit to examine the cases’ eligibility for training in preparation for their professional qualification.

The space also organized five community awareness sessions, the first of which addressed the importance of economic and social empowerment for women and girls to meet their ambitions, realize themselves, improve quality of life, and enhance well-being.

Attended by 24 women, the second session discussed the importance of educating girls and women.

The third session addressed the harms of early marriage. In the presence of 20 women, the fourth session focused on the status of women and their pioneering role in society.

The fifth awareness session also focused on the proper upbringing of children as part of ongoing efforts to raise community awareness of women’s rights and their important role in society.

The safe space in Al-Jufaina area conducted community awareness about the complaints and suggestions mechanisms, as well as community awareness in Al-Jufaina camp in the presence of 20 women.

To assist beneficiaries cope with their psychological and social challenges, the event offered psychological support on the importance of time, and introduced attendees to space services and women's rights.