HUMAN ACCESS implemented a set of activities in Hadhramaut and Marib governorates within the “Safe Space for Women and Girls” protection and livelihood support project, funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), to secure decent jobs for women and create a positive and sustainable impact on society.

In Seiyun city in Wadi Hadhramaut, the safe space carried out community awareness about gender-based violence as a global crisis and an issue related to health and human rights that creates serious obstacles to women’s participation in public life. Development and stability cannot be achieved without putting an end to violence against women and girls.

A sewing and embroidery training program has been completed by Marib's safe space in Al-Jufaina area, targeting 14 beneficiaries who were trained for a period of 10 days in order to acquire skills that will enable them to enter the labor market and to become productive, self-reliant families contributing to the economy.

The safe space also carried out community awareness on developing skills and turning them into small projects, and also initiated vocational training in the field of engraving and henna for 15 women and girls at risk. In light of increasing humanitarian needs, the training enables these women and girls to enter the labor market, earn a living, and enhance their resilience.

In Al-Matar area, the safe space organized two awareness sessions, the first on the status of women and their leadership role in society, while the second session addressed the topic of life satisfaction and means of overcoming challenges.

Likewise, the safe space team held a meeting to evaluate the achievements of this year to enhance strengths and address weaknesses to achieve greater success.

In Wadi Marib, the safe space organized cultural and recreational activities targeting several displaced children in one of the displacement camps.

All of these activities are designed to restore a sense of stability to these most vulnerable children and to emphasize that they have a fundamental right to live, learn, and play without fear, regardless of their circumstances.