As part of the activities of the protection and livelihood support project "Safe Space for Women and Girls" funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), HUMAN ACCESS in the governorates of Hadhramaut and Marib performed various activities in order for women to obtain their rights and reduce violations for the benefit of them, their families and their communities.

In the city of Seiyun of Wadi Hadhramaut, the safe space implemented a legal awareness session for the trainees in the sewing course about the general rights of women in public law.

It also organized a meeting of peer networks and community-based committees to find out about the activities implemented during the previous period and discuss the map of new activities to advocate for women's issues.

In Marib, the safe space in Al-Matar area carried out a community awareness session for members of the community-based committees to discuss the safe space services and the importance of educating girls, in the presence of more than 20 displaced women in Al-Najah camp.

During a community awareness campaign in Al-Mujamma area, the safe space introduced its services to women, as well as the criteria used to determine who would qualify for its services.