In the governorates of Hadhramaut and Marib, HUMAN ACCESS carried out a number of targeted activities as part of the UNFPA-funded "Safe Space for Women and Girls" protection and livelihood support project. As essential to a successful response, it is vital that women are resilient and that their roles are increased as well as their livelihoods improved to prevent falling into poverty.

In Seiyun, Wadi Hadhramaut, the safe space carried out a training course in the field of sewing for 13 women from the displaced and the host community to provide them with the skills of this profession, which is economically feasible to face living crises.

The safe space also organized an awareness session in Madouda camp for the displaced, targeting displaced women about the mother's role in raising children.

In Marib, the safe space conducted awareness sessions in Al-Faw Al-Sharqi and Al Muhaimid camps, which addressed a number of important issues, including the importance of mental health, and the risks of early marriage for girls and society.

The safe space also organized a training course in the field of sewing and tailoring, targeting 15 women from the displaced and the host community to realize themselves and their dreams.