- In partnership with wefa WELTWEITER EINSATZ FŰR ARME - Turkey, 8,000 people benefited from Ramadan projects
- In partnership with WFP Organizing training workshops for workers in General Food Assistance Project in Taiz
- Interventions of the project to promote multiple, integrated and sustainable nutrition in Taiz governorate
- Launch of 16 Days of Activism Campaign to Combat Violence against Women
- Launch of voucher program for women in need of reproductive health services
- Launching a supportive healthcare project to treat malnutrition
- Launching vocational training and rehabilitation program for 254 young people
- Malnutrition.. kills Yemeni children
- Midwives and nurses receive training in obstetric emergencies
- More than 6,000 people benefit from Ramadan charity projects
- Ongoing activities to combat violence against women and girls
- Orphan sponsorship sector.. Renewed giving and expansion of care
- Presented by Hilal Association (HU) through YADi BAŞAK - Turkey, (900) people benefited from Ramadan charity projects
- Project of educational programs for orphans concluded
- Rehabilitation and training course for health workers in incubators section at Al-Misrakh Hospital
- Report of Health Needs Assessment in Al-Mudaffar and Al-Qahirah districts of Taiz governorate
- Reproductive Health Services Support Project provides medical aid to Al-Misrakh Rural Hospital in Taiz Governorate
- Shelter, relief items and cash aid.. 2056 families benefit from HUMAN ACCESS interventions
- Supporting reproductive health services at Al-Muzaffar Hospital
- Taiz Health Office reviews engineering design for construction of 2nd floor of Al-Misrakh Hospital