Yemenis are struggling for their lives, as the living situation in Yemen is collapsing. And because the living conditions of the Yemenis have become difficult due to the years-long war, HUMAN ACCESS, in partnership with the Japanese ICAN and with funding from the Japanese Humanitarian Forum, responded to expedite feeding the displaced families in the districts of Al-Taiziyyah and Sabr Al-Mawadim in Taiz Governorate by providing emergency aid in order to alleviate their suffering and meet their necessary needs. This came through the distribution of the second batch of the emergency food aid project, which comes in light of food insecurity.
Humanity messengers .. standing in the field
The campaign aimed to assist 2,180 poor and displaced families within the areas of the districts of Al-Taiziyyah and Sabr Al-Mawadim, which are the areas that still suffering from war damage by virtue of their occurrence in the contact lines. The selection was not random, but rather according to precise criteria and a transparent mechanism. With the launch of the campaign, the HUMAN ACCESS team and a number of local authority officials in the governorate went to provide urgent aid to the displaced families. The aid provided by the campaign included foodstuffs consisting of flour, rice, sugar, oil and legumes.
Extra measures
In light of the rapid spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, HUMAN ACCESS has taken a number of precautionary measures during the distribution of food baskets, which aim to force the work team to wear masks and gloves, make safe distances between beneficiaries, and provide the beneficiaries with the means of awareness related to Coronavirus.
Decent life
The great happiness brought back hope to those families who were targeted by the project by receiving a varied food basket on a monthly basis during the three months between December of last year until February 2021, extending thanks to HUMAN ACCESS, ICAN and the Japanese Humanitarian Forum for providing the living requirements that led them to enjoy a decent life.
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