A number of activities were implemented by HUMAN ACCESS in Hadhramaut  and Marib in connection with the UNFPA-funded project "Safe Space for Women and Girls" that provides protection and livelihood support.

This project aims to empower women and girls to defend their rights and seek support and inspiration they need in order to reach their full potential by standing up and defending their rights.

As part of this initiative, training skills in the fields of incense and hairdressing were completed in Mukalla, Hadhramaut, along with financial management awareness training for 67 beneficiaries of displaced women and the host community. By teaching them skills, they will have the ability to engage in the labor market and gain steady income through income-generating projects, which will enable them to cope with difficult living conditions.

On the other hand, the safe space in Al-Rawdah and Al-Mil camps in Marib handed out bags of economic empowerment to beneficiaries of empowerment programs for the fourth quarter of 2022 in the fields of sewing and sweets/pastries industry.

The bags included the tools and supplies of the profession that enable them to start running their own projects and make an economic transformation in their lives.