To support and empower women in light of the growing poverty in the country as a result of the conflict, HUMAN ACCESS conducted a series of activities within the project "Safe Space for Women and Girls" funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

In Al-Ghaydah city, Al-Mahra, the safe space organized a life, financial and marketing skills course for 12 beneficiaries of economic empowerment projects in the field of sewing and tailoring, with the goal of equipping them with basic skills so that they may enter the labor market and launch their own small businesses.

In Wadi Marib, the safe space concluded two vocational training courses, the first in the field of sewing, which is the last course in the vocational training program for the second quarter of this year in this field.

A vocational training in engraving arts was concluded to help women earn a living and support their families.