HUMAN ACCESS branch in Mukalla, Hadhramaut, received Dr. Ahlam bin Buraik, the Reproductive Health Coordinator at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in the governorate, who was briefed on the progress of the project to support reproductive health services, which provides essential services to build a healthier future.
During the visit, Dr. Ahlam praised the role and efficiency of HUMAN ACCESS in implementing humanitarian projects funded by UNFPA and the quality of reproductive health services provided by this vital project to the most vulnerable and needy groups through supported health facilities.
Since 2019, HUMAN ACCESS in Mukalla has been implementing a project to support reproductive health services, funded by UNFPA. As a result of war-affected health systems, the project offers reproductive health services at two health centers in Shahir and Mayfaa, making a significant contribution to saving lives.
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