Under the auspices of the Governor of Hadhramaut Governorate, Mabkhout Mubarak bin Madi, the safe space for women and girls in Mukalla participated in the marketing exhibition for productive families, which was held in Al Aroud Square and organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor office in the coast of Hadhramaut, as part of the 2023 Town Tourism Festival’s activities.

Governor Bin Madi expressed his happiness with what he saw of the good organization and quality of the products provided by the productive families.

As part of its recognition, the Social Affairs and Labor office thanked the organizations that participated in the fair, including HUMAN ACCESS, for giving productive families a chance to market their products during the festival and take advantage of its economic boom.

It should be noted that HUMAN ACCESS in Hadhramaut is implementing the protection and livelihood support project "Safe Space for Women and Girls" with UNFPA’s assistance to support women's right to work and improve their ability to live independently and build a prosperous life in light of the expansion of poverty and unemployment in the country due to the conflict.