HUMAN ACCESS in the governorates of HadhramautShabwa and Marib celebrated the International Volunteer Day, which falls on December 5 of each year, by implementing a number of activities within the protection and livelihood support project activities "Safe Space for Women and Girls", funded by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

On this occasion, the association organized a training course for protection workers and for the staff of the safe space in the city of Mukalla, Hadhramaut, under the title "Volunteerism is a Community Necessity".

In addition, a lecture targeting 150 university students in Ataq, Shabwa, was organized to discuss and promote volunteer work for a better future.

In Marib, the safe space in Al-Jufaina camp honored volunteers, including male and female community committee members, the peer network, and community actors advocating for women's rights.

The safe space in Al-Matar area also honored the volunteers of the protection project, and praised their outstanding efforts to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.

Al-Mujamma's safe space honored a number of humanitarian volunteers, including safe space volunteers, as well as women who completed their education in the literacy program and others who continue to attend school in spite of their age, in addition to honoring education volunteers who help eradicate illiteracy.