Funded by UNFPA, Personal preventive equipment supplied to a number of health facilities to curb spread of Coronavirus

With the rapid spread of the Coronavirus among the countries of the world, and in the face of increasing fears of losing more lives due to the outbreak of the pandemic, humanitarian interventions have become a notable task that only life makers and hope growers can do, such as HUMAN ACCESS in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which successfully intervened to confront Covid-19 (second wave).
Various interventions
Standing with the relevant authorities to confront the second wave of Covid-19, HUMAN ACCESS, through the Reproductive Health Services Support Project funded by the UNFPA, distributed personal preventive equipment (PPE) to 10 central hospitals in Taiz, Lahj, Hadramaut, and Al Mahrah governorates. The distribution was carried out by rapid response teams formed in the target governorates meant to continue providing health care services. Health facilities were also supplied with preventive and protective means and tools, and sterilization.
The project also made awareness-raising activities to contribute to creating a community awareness culture to confront the pandemic, curb its spread, and reduce the number of patients and fatalities. The equipment, which was provided in partnership with the UNFPA, contributed to offer the necessary medical services to beneficiaries.
Early projects
The project to support reproductive health services, implemented by HUMAN ACCESS with funding from the UNFPA, is one of the projects that has been providing health services for years now. The project contributed to alleviating the suffering of thousands of citizens who are suffering today from the deteriorating health conditions caused by the war.
This project has achieved positive results in terms of maternal and child health in the community despite difficulties, obstacles, displacement and other catastrophic developments, including the Coronavirus pandemic, a new global epidemic that has caused justified local and international concern.
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