Early marriage is a social issue with serious medical implications because of its negative effects on the health of women, children and society. Most medical and environmental research and studies indicate that complications of pregnancy and childbirth increase more sharply in early marriages than with marriage after the age of 18 years.
Samar and early marriage
At the beginning of her life, Samar Yahya, 23, faced great obstacles and tragedies. Besides being an orphan when she was young, Samar became the victim of an early marriage to a man as old as her father. This was followed by the tragedy of early childbearing that threatened her life
Then, years passed with Samer having five children. This increased the responsibility that she tried to assume, with two abortions of childbirth. Throughout her life, situations were physically and emotionally painful.
In Samar's latest pregnancy, all these health problems accompanied social problems with her husband and two wives. That was the fifth childbearing. Samar was visiting the HUMAN ACCESS Reproductive Health Services Program funded by UNFPA at Seiyoun Hospital to follow up on her pregnancy.
In the fourth month of her pregnancy, tests showed that Samar carried a strange twin, unlike the other normal twins. They were conjoined Siamese twins. This event alone aroused Samer's anxiety and fear. How will her delivery be? What will the twins look like? Many questions awaken her from a deep sleep, not to mention the pain of pregnancy due to her poor build and poor nutrition.
Samar continued to visit Seiyoun Hospital to follow up her condition with the Program Specialist Dr. Ali Baymeen.
Rapid intervention
At the start of her ninth month, on the night of October 4, while she was trying to sleep as usual, Samar suddenly felt severe pain with heavy bleeding and much blood discharge. At dawn, she arrived at Seiyoun Hospital with her brother. It was an emergency case. She was admitted to the obstetric emergency and the medical team was called urgently.
Upon his arrival, the doctor decided immediately to perform a cesarean delivery to save Samar and the fetus. However, Samar lost a lot of blood due to the bleeding. The medical team provided four bags of blood. Then the team successfully performed a four-hour operation. Thus, the efforts succeeded in saving Samar and her Siamese twins, thanks to God.
Delight and cheerfulness moment
The tears of joy in Samar's eyes were enough to offer words of gratitude and thanks to all the hospital's reproductive health services program staff, the implementing agency, and those who supported such blessed efforts.
The two Siamese children were taken to the nursery, and in Samar's heart there were prayers and hope that one of them can see the other's face separately.