HUMAN ACCESS in Marib Governorate delivered economic empowerment grants to 24 women who benefited from vocational rehabilitation in the fields of “sewing and tailoring, pastry and sweets making, hairdressing and beauty” during the first half of this year, where they were given the toolkits to practice these income-generating craft professions.

This comes within the protection and livelihood support project "Safe Space for Women and Girls", funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), the objective of which is to provide small projects to vulnerable Yemeni families, including displaced families, with a steady source of income and overcome difficult living conditions.

The distribution process took place in the presence of the director of the associations department at the Social Affairs and Labor Office in Marib, Abdulmalik Abbad.

During the distribution process, Abbad urged the beneficiaries to make the best use of these grants and engage in the labor market, develop their capabilities and talents, and achieve entrepreneurship.