HUMAN ACCESS in Aden Governorate delivered economic empowerment grants to 24 women who benefited from vocational rehabilitation in the fields of "sewing, hairdressing, incense and perfume making" during the first half of this year, where they were given the supplies to practice these income-generating craft professions.

The project "Safe Space for Women and Girls", funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), is designed to empower vulnerable families to be able to overcome difficult living conditions and secure a steady income through small projects.

John Paul, Director of UNFPA's Aden Office, attended the handover process and encouraged the beneficiaries to take advantage of these important economic grants to the fullest extent possible.

He also highlighted the role of HUMAN ACCESS, which empowers the most vulnerable groups and transforms them into productive, self-sufficient families.