The armed conflict in Yemen have forced thousands of Yemenis to flee to the Republic of Djibouti to seek safety and protection, a journey full of difficulties.

These people became refugees according to United Nations definitions, because they had to leave their homes to save their lives, crossed recognized international borders, and no longer enjoyed the protection of their country.

These refugees, women, children and men, live under the scorching sun of Djibouti in hosting sites where few services are available. They face various types of shocks and do not see any horizon ahead of them, as they have become unable to return to Yemen, a country that is suffering from one of the most severe humanitarian crises worldwide.

Given their difficult circumstances, the humanitarian duty requires supporting them and showing solidarity with them.

In response to the plight of these most vulnerable refugees, HUMAN ACCESS continues to provide life-saving assistance to Yemeni refugees in Djibouti in order to improve their living conditions and to help them maintain their health and dignity.

The association also works to promote solutions to address their plight through successful partnerships with a diverse group of donors and philanthropists.

11,963 beneficiaries in a year

During the year 2023, HUMAN ACCESS implemented an integrated response to Yemeni refugees in Djibouti, which included food aid to provide food for their tables, especially in the month of Ramadan.

In this holy month, food baskets were delivered containing quantities of basic foodstuffs, in addition to meat and dates, so that they could live in dignity.

Additionally, the most vulnerable refugee children received clothing, and complete school bags, as well as tuition fees, to ensure they have access to education and not fall behind.

To preserve the health of refugees, medicines were offered to patients. They also received cash assistance to help them meet a wide range of their needs as part of the integrated response.

All of this vital aid reached 11,963 refugees, as it reflects HUMAN ACCESS’s commitment to helping Yemeni refugees in Djibouti in partnership with donors, such as (Life Organization, Dente International, Abu Ahmed Company, Wasel Trading Company, Diyanet Organization).

With these humanitarian aids, refugees have been able to bolster their resilience, as without them they would be forced to adopt consistently negative coping strategies.

The refugees expressed their deep gratitude for this humanitarian support, which gave them hope.

In a special statement, the Secretary-General of HUMAN ACCESS, Dr. Abdulwase Alwasea, confirmed that Yemeni refugees face expanding needs, weak protection, and live in fragile conditions, and they are in dire need of support and solidarity.

He added, "In the midst of multiple crises, the humanitarian community should not forget the situation of Yemeni refugees in Djibouti.”

Dr. Alwasea said donors' generosity helps HUMAN ACCESS provide a lifeline to refugees and do what's best so they can return home safely.