- Medicines and hygiene materials supply for Ras Al-Ara Hospital
- Memo of understanding to provide prosthetics and physical therapy services to refugees
- Memorandum of understanding to improve healthcare services for refugees
- Ministry of Health official visits HUMAN ACCESS in Al-Mahra
- Ministry of Public Health official visits HUMAN ACCESS-related projects
- Mobile and specialized medical caravan operated in Qishn region
- Mobile medical clinic program launched in Al-Hami region, Hadhramaut
- Mobile medical clinics project inaugurated in Mukalla
- Mukalla: Inauguration of free camp for urology surgery and endoscopies
- Neonatal resuscitation and healthcare quality training for 32 midwives and nurses
- Obstetric emergency department at Al-Ghaydah Central Hospital receives medical supplies
- Obstetric emergency department in Al-Ghaydah Hospital receives medicines and medical supplies
- Providing medical support to hospitals in Seiyon, Tareem, Al-Ghaydah, Al-Qatn, Basharaheel, and Mayfa'a Center
- Providing medical support to Tarim Hospital in Wadi Hadramout
- Providing reproductive health services in Wadi Marib
- Provision of medicines and medical supplies to the Maternal and Child Care Center in Mayfaa
- Public awareness about measles vaccination with 50 women participating
- Public awareness of HIV/AIDS epidemic
- Qualifying midwives and nurses to handle emergency delivery cases
- Re-start of vaccination department at Basateen Charitable Medical Center