HUMAN ACCESS began implementing the sacrificial meat distribution project for this year 1445 AH - 2024 throughout the governorates of the Republic in partnership with a number of organizations, donors, and supporting figures at home and abroad.

In a special statement, the Secretary-General of the association, Dr. Abdulwase Alwasea, said that the distribution of sacrificial meat is an opportunity that HUMAN ACCESS seizes on an annual basis to put a smile on the faces of the vulnerable who are impatiently awaiting Eid Al-Adha to eat meat.

He added that it is expected that more than 400,000 people throughout Yemen's governorates will benefit from sacrificial meat during the days of Eid Al-Adha.

Dr. Alwasea pointed out that the association, along with the supporting charity organizations, has worked through the project to provide meat and distribute it to poor and needy families starting from the Day of Sacrifice and will continue until the end of the three days of Tashreeq, calling on philanthropists and donors to seize this opportunity to reach the largest possible number of deprived people and put a smile on their faces.