Supported by some organizations, entities, and personas, HUMAN ACCESS has launched Qurban campaign for this year 2022, both at in and out of the country, under the slogan "Your Qurban is their Joy".

“This year's Qurban campaign aims to target  200,000 affected, vulnerable, and needy households across all Yemeni governorates,” said Mr. Yahya Al-Dabba, Head of HUMAN ACCESS in a special statement.

He pointed out that the campaign includes the distribution of Qurban meat, in conjunction with the Eid Children's Clothing Project, which will target 200,000 orphans and children of needy households, to bring joy to them amidst the existent humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

The Head of HUMAN ACCESS called upon all humanitarian organizations, business owners, donors, and philanthropists to contribute to support the Qurban and Clothing projects, given the growing humanitarian needs across the country.

HUMAN ACCESS has been implementing the Qurban project since 1993 as a seasonal project, and this year it aspires to scale it up to reach as many poor and needy people as possible, especially amid the current economic and living crises that the country is undergoing.