Deep in Al-Mahra Governorate in Yemen, Al- Qhaidha Hospital the main hospital in the area, faced a challenge. Many women, especially those in remote areas, lacked access to proper healthcare during pregnancy and childbirth. This put both mothers and babies at risk.

Thanks to a UNFPA project funded by ECHO. Al-Qhaidha Hospital received a lifeline. The project provided the hospital with:

  • Essential supplies: new equipment, medicines, and birthing kits made sure both mothers and newborns had the best possible care.
  • Training for doctors and nurses: Doctors and nurses learned the latest techniques in safe deliveries and family planning.

The impact was immediate:

  • More healthy deliveries: With continuous supply of medicine, RH commodities, and skilled staff, Al-Qhaidah Hospital could handle more complicated deliveries, leading to a rise in healthy mothers and babies.
  • Family planning education: Women seeking care at Al-Qhaidah Hospital now have access to information and resources for family planning, allowing them to choose the size and spacing of their families.

One such woman is Amina. Amina, a young mother of two, worried about having another child so soon. At Al-Qhaidha Hospital, she received family planning advice and chose a method that was right for her. Now, Amina feels empowered to plan her future and care for her children.

The UNFPA project funded by ECHO and implemented by HUMAN ACCESS at Al-Qhaidah Hospital is a shining example of how essential reproductive healthcare can be. By providing supplies, training, and education, the project has brought hope to countless women and families in Yemen.