HUMAN ACCESS in Marib Governorate organized 5 training courses targeting 67 women to empower them with new skills and qualify them economically and improve their standard of living, as part of the activities of the Protection and Livelihood Support Project "Safe Space for Women and Girls", funded by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

In this regard, 3 training and qualification courses were organized in Al-Mujmma` neighborhood, the first in the field of "Themes industry" for two days, targeting 8 trainees. The participants were introduced to the basics of making themes, the tools used, and everything related to this new skill with practical applications.

The second 20-day training course targeted 16 female heads of families in the field of sewing and embroidery. And the third training course in the field of cosmetic arts lasting for 10 days, with the participation of 13 beneficiaries from the most vulnerable groups in society.

In Al Jufaina camp, two training courses were carried out, the first in life, financial and marketing skills, for trainees in the field of making sweets and pastries, with the participation of 15 beneficiaries. The second in the field of sewing, targeting 15 women within the fourth quarter training of this year.