With the goal of raising women's awareness about a number of important issues and ensuring their access to their legitimate rights, HUMAN ACCESS conducted awareness sessions in Shabwa and Marib Governorate as part of the project "Safe Space for Women and Girls," funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

In this connection, and as part of its outreach program, Ataq safe space in Shabwa organized an awareness session regarding violence against women and the need for concerted efforts to reduce this social scourge as well as the importance of preserving the dignity of women as life's key players.

The session also addressed the phenomenon of early marriage and the importance of facing the challenges that hinder women’s role in all areas of life.


In Marib, the safe space in Al-Jufaina area carried out 3 awareness sessions, the first was on gender-based violence in the presence of 15 women, and the second targeting 75 students in Safiyyah School on vocational guidance and safe space services, while the third session targeted 80 girls from the same school on women’s right to education as a human right.

In Al-Matar area, the safe space organized an awareness session for a number of women who visited the space about the importance of educating girls as a basic priority and an indispensable step for realizing their rights and achieving their big dreams.

Group psychological support was also conducted on the dangers of violence against women and how to reduce its disastrous consequences for the family and society.