Yesterday, March 1, 2022, HUMAN ACCESS launched a training program for health workers in Al Shihr district, Hadhramaut governorate, in partnership with the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) on integrative care to provide the minimum package of health services, integrated management of childhood diseases and communicable diseases, and infection prevention and control measures.

The opening ceremony was attended by Dr. Omar Al-Sabban, Director of the Health Office in Al-Shihr District, Saeed Haj Al-Khamer, Secretary General of HUMAN ACCESS in Mukalla, and Eng. Mohammad Al-Hadri, Executive Director of HUMAN ACCESS in Mukalla.

The training program seeks to enhance the capacities of 22 health personnel on the integrative care of childhood illnesses, outbreak management and infection control, in addition to enhancing the capacities of 20 male and female community volunteers on life-saving messages.

The program includes training activities in response to outbreaks and a minimum health service package to provide integrated services (water, environmental sanitation, health, and protection) to the most vulnerable IDPs in the newly created displacement sites in the targeted district, supporting and operating two fixed health facilities and a mobile medical team, in addition to adopting a comprehensive approach to promote good hygiene practices.