HUMAN ACCESS in Al-Mahrah Governorate granted local orphan sponsorships for the third quarter of this year to 40 orphans, as part of ongoing efforts to support and care for orphans, secure their basic needs, improve their living conditions, and preserve their human dignity.

These cash sponsorships will bring joy to the hearts of orphans, make them feel a sense of community cooperation and solidarity, and they will be able to better cope with the increasing challenges presented to them by the ongoing conflict in Yemen, which has resulted in difficult economic conditions.

In addition to granting cash sponsorships, a training program was organized for mothers of orphans on how to raise their children.

Furthermore, the training program addressed the importance of the mother in raising her children in a healthy manner, as she is the first teacher and plays an important role in fostering moral and virtuous values in the child.

A recreational event and cultural competitions were also implemented to draw joy on the faces of the beneficiary orphans, who expressed their sincere thanks to HUMAN ACCESS and the funding agencies for this important humanitarian support.

The recreational event ended with the delivery of school gifts to encourage orphans to study as the new school year approaches.