Job Announcement: Safe Space Coordinator

Human Access for Partnership and Development (HUMAN ACCESS) announces the following vacant position:
Job: Safe Space Coordinator (female)
Number Required: Three
Location: Taiz Governorate (Multiple Districts)
Contract Duration: Three months
Last Date for Application: 12:00 PM on Monday, October 14, 2024
Job Specialization:
Manage the safe space to achieve the goals of the action plan in the targeted areas.
Responsibilities and tasks
- Manage the safe space activities in the targeted districts according to the specified time plan.
- Carry out all necessary coordination with the concerned authorities to facilitate the implementation of the space activities.
- Direct the space staff on a daily basis and follow up on their tasks’ implementation and responsibilities according to the time plan.
- Draft monthly reports on the level of achievement and implementation of the space activities and sharing those reports with the project manager.
- Participate in meetings with humanitarian partners to exchange experiences and cooperate between the space and service providers.
- Prepare a map of service providers and determine the safe referral path and update it periodically to ensure the activation of the external referral system and the integration process between the space and other services.
- Mobilize efforts and resources in the implementation geography to serve the facilitation and provision of services to survivors of gender-based violence.
- Continuous communication with the space team and solve any problems they may encounter during the implementation of the space activities.
- Follow-up and implement field visits to the targeted areas in the space to monitor the workers’ performance.
- Manage the space budget according to the specified items and keep records, books, and documents according to the recognized financial regulations in cooperation with the space accountant.
- Archive all documents and reports related to the space and keep records and files in writing and electronically.
- Record all tools, furniture, and equipment related to the space and follow up on their receipt by the space employees.
- Supervise all administrative and technical operations.
- Network with local authorities, community committees, and local organizations in the governorate to support the implementation of humanitarian work carried out by the safe space.
- Ensure the availability of security and safety procedures and verify protection standards and principles of humanitarian work.
- Respect the rules and ethics of work and adhere to the association's code of professional conduct.
- Hold periodic meetings with employees to discuss project performance reports and follow up on the level of achievement in implementing activities and resolving problems and correcting the course when any deviations occur.
- Carry out any other tasks assigned to her within the framework of the space.
Job Requirements
Qualifications and Experience
- Master's or Bachelor's degree in Business Administration or related field.
- At least two years of experience in the same field.
Skills and Abilities
- Administrative skills (such as planning, organizing, controlling, following up, and evaluating).
- High communication and reporting skills.
- High ability to make decisions and bear responsibilities.
- High ability to direct and analyze logically.
- Advanced skills in the field of strategic planning.
- Skills in preparing feasibility studies.
- Skills in preparing and marketing projects and relationships.
Other Requirements
Advanced level in English language.
Anyone who does not meet the minimum specifications and conditions required will be excluded.
How to apply for the job: